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Sunday 4 June 2017

daily Vocabulary from the Hindu dated 4 june 2017

Daily vocabulary from The Hindu dated 4 June 2017
1.                Carcinogen (noun): a substance that can cause cancer
Adjective: Carcinogenic
·                   The carcinogenic effects of some pesticides used on fruit.
2.                Artifice (noun): the clever use of tricks to cheat somebody.
Synonym: cunning                    
·                   Pretending to faint was merely an artifice.
·                   The artifices of the theatre.
3.                Idiosyncrasy (noun): a person’s particular way of behaving, thinking etc., especially when it is unusual; an unusual feature;
Synonym: eccentricity                             Adjective: idiosyncratic
·                   Wearing a raincoat, even on a hot day, is one of her idiosyncrasies.
·                   His teaching methods are idiosyncratic but successful.
·                   Concatenation (noun): a series of things or events that are linked together.
·                   A strange concatenation of events.
4.                Perambulation (noun): a slow walk or journey around a place, especially one made for pleasure;
Verb: perambulate
5.                Perverse (adjective): showing deliberate determination to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable;
·                   A perverse decision (=one that most people do not expect and think is wrong)
·                   She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents.
·                   Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse?
Adverb: Perversely
·                   She seemed perversely proud of her criminal record.
·                   She couldn’t bear to be near her, yet, perversely, he still found himself looking out for her.
Noun: Perversity
·                   He refused to attend out of sheer perversity.
6.                Promenade (noun, verb): a public place for walking, usually a wide path beside the sea; a walk that you take for pleasure or exercise, especially by the sea, in a public park etc.
·                   They walked along the promenade.
·                   A hotel on the promenade.
7.                Imbue (verb): to fill somebody or something with strong feeling, opinions or values
Synonym: infuse
·                   Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness.
·                   He was imbued with a desire for social justice.
8.                Anglophone (noun): a person who speaks English, especially in countries where English is not the only language that is spoken.
·                   Canada’s native Anglophones.

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