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Saturday 3 June 2017

Daily vocabulary from The Hindu dated 3 June, 2017

Daily vocabulary from The Hindu dated 3 June 2017

Botch (noun, verb): to spoil something by doing it badly, a piece of work or job that has been done badly
·       He completely botched-up the interview.
·       I have made a real botch of the decorating.

Benevolent (adjective) : (especially of people in authority)  kind, helpful and generous, used in the names of some organizations that give help and money to people in need;
·       He was met by an elderly priest with a benevolent smile.
·    They consider themselves to be benevolent employers, providing sick pay and pensions for all their employees.

Defecate (verb): to get rid of solid waste from your body through your bowels.
Noun : defecation

Coercion (noun): the act of making somebody do  something that they do not want to do, using force or threatening to use force
·       He claimed he had only acted under coercion.
·       The party dictatorship had terrifying powers of corruption and coercion.
·       There was overwhelming evidence of intimidation and coercion.

Caveat (noun): a warning that particular things need to be considered before something can be done.
·       Any discussion of legal actions must be preceded by a caveat on costs.

Eviscerated (verb): to remove the inner organs of a body
Synonym : disembowel

Draconian (adjective): (of a law, punishment etc.) extremely cruel and severe.
·       The newspaper struggled to continue under the regime’s draconian censorship laws.
·         There have been calls for draconian measures against drug-related crime.

Incantation (noun): special words that are spoken or sung to have a magic effect; the act of speaking or singing these words.

Spurious (adjective): false, although seeming to be genuine; based on false ideas or ways of thinking;
Adverb : Spuriously

·       This is an entirely spurious argument.
·       He had managed to create entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.

Invocation (noun): the act of asking for help, from a good or from a person in authority; the act of referring to something or of calling something to appear; the act of making a particular function start.       

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