A Website for Engineers by an Engineer

Monday 5 June 2017

Daily Vocabulary from the Hindu dated 5 june 2017

Daily Vocabulary from the Hindu dated 5 June 2017

1.     Glossing (noun): a shine on a smooth surface; a substance designed to make something shiny; a way of explaining something to make it seem more attractive or acceptable; a note or comment added to a piece of writing to explain a difficult word or phrase; (verb): to add a note or comment added to a piece of writing to explain a difficult word or phrase.
·                 You can have the photos with either a gloss or a matt finish.
·                 Beneath the gloss of success was tragic private life.
·                 He glossed over any splits in the party.

2.     Resilience (noun): the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after something unpleasant, such as shock, injury etc.; the ability of substance to return to its original shape after it has been bent, stretched or pressed.
·                 He showed great courage and resilience in fighting back from a losing position to win the game.
·                 The natural beauty and resilience of wool.

3.     Insolvent (adjective): not having enough money to pay what you owe.
Synonym: bankrupt                                  Antonym : solvent
·                     The company has been declared insolvent.
4.     Usurious (adjective): lending money at very high rates of interest
5.     Menaces (noun): a person or thing that causes, or may cause, serious damage, harm or  danger; an atmosphere that makes you feel threatened; (verb): to be a possible danger to something or somebody;
Synonym: threat, nuisance, threaten;
·                    A new initiative aimed at beating the menace or illegal drugs.
·                     The forests are being menaced by major development projects.
6.     Dissonance (noun): a combination of musical notes that do not sound pleasant together; lack of agreement;
Antonym : consonant
Dissonant voices/notes
7.     Discern (verb): to know recognize or understand something especially something that is not obvious; to see or hear something but not very clearly;
Synonym : detect, make out, perceptible     Adjective: Discernible
·                     He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.
·                     There is often no discernible difference between rival brands.  
8.     Barge (noun, verb): a large boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying goods and people on canals and rivers; to move in an awkward way, pushing people out of the way or crashing into them;
Synonym : push      Phrasal verb : barge in
·                     I hope you don’t mind me barging in like this.
·                     He barged in on us while we were having a meeting.
9.     Colluded (verb): to work together secretly or illegally in order to trick other people.
·                     They colluded with terrorists to overthrow the government.

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