Daily English Vocabulary from the Hindu Editorial dated 11 June 2017
Swathe (noun, verb): a long strip of land, especially one on which
plants or crops have been cut; a large strip or area of something; to wrap or
cover somebody or something in something;
The combine had cut a swathe around the edge of the field.
The mountains rose above a swathe of thick clouds.
He was lying on the hospital bed, swathing in bandages.
Pernicious (adjective): having a very harmful effect on
somebody/something, especially in a way that is gradual and not easily
The pernicious influence of TV violence on children.
Ageism is equally as offensive and pernicious as sexism.
Interlocutors (noun): a person taking part in conversation with you; a
person or an organization that talks to another person or organization on
behalf of somebody else.
Inane (adjective) : stupid or silly; with no meaning;
I wish you would stop making these inane remarks!
The last question was especially inane.
Adverb : inanely noun:
To grin inanely.
Castigate (verb): to criticize somebody or something severely;
He castigated himself for being so stupid.
Noun : Castigation
Undergirded (verb): secure or fasten from the underside, especially
by a rope or chain passed underneath; provide support or a firm basis for
Disparate (adjective): made up of parts or people that are very
different from each other; so different from each other that they cannot be
compared or cannot work together;
A disparate group of individuals.
A critical study that aims to cover such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon
poetry and the modern novel.
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